Learning to dance correctly is not all fun and games. If you want to learn it, it requires a lot of determination, focus, and hard work to dance like you always wanted to! 

However, as in every profession, there’s always room to start with something relatively easy; the same is true when learning dance. 

That’s why, after a detailed analysis of various dance steps, our professional dancers have come up with this interesting blog of the easiest dance moves to learn as beginners! 

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Here’s the list extracted by our experts for the 12 easiest dance moves to learn: 

1) Two-step: 

The basic dance step, as simple as its name suggests, is one of the easiest dance moves to learn and a key element in various dance styles. It’s a basic sequence: step in one direction, the other foot catches up, and then the dominant foot steps back in the original direction. This straightforward move is accessible for dancers of all levels, making it an easy dance step to learn. You can add some flair with variations like cross-stepping or a little heel kick. In the realm of partner dancing, particularly in two-step dance, this foundational move follows a quick-quick-slow-slow rhythm, adding a lively vibe to the dance floor. Mastering this basic step serves as an excellent starting point for beginners, providing an easy and enjoyable entry into the world of dance. As you gain confidence, explore different footwork and variations, making your dance journey both easy and diverse.

2) The Running Man (An easy dance to learn) 

The Running Man mirrors the action of jogging in place at a quick pace, featuring lively footwork and rhythmic leg lifts. This classic dance remains popular, showcasing both style and skill on the dance floor. Its timeless charm lies in seamlessly blending nostalgia with a modern dance flair.

Let’s admit it: the 1980s were just plain fun. The dance moves from that era form the foundation of today’s hip-hop choreography. Amid the explosion of music and dance moves on music television, The Running Man emerged as a street dance rooted in African origins. It creates an optical illusion, making it seem like the dancer moves forward while sliding in place. The locomotive arm movements add to the illusion, resembling a kinetic mime-like artistry. It’s like a cousin to the more challenging Moonwalk.

For those looking for the easiest dance moves to learn, The Running Man offers a great starting point. Its straightforward yet dynamic nature makes it an easy dance step to learn, connecting the vibrant history of dance with contemporary expressions.

Here’s our detailed blog post related to the best dance steps for beginners. It’s the perfect guide if you want to take a start by yourself!

3) The Robot Dance

Create the dance move called “The Robot” by making rigid movements with your arms, legs, rolling your whole body, and turning your neck. Picture yourself as a robot awakening, with each joint moving precisely like clockwork. It’s impressive how you can transform your body into a robot with cool and precise movements. This dance style is like bringing a robot to the party, adding a fun touch to showcase your creativity and futuristic vibes. Just remember to keep it stiff and mechanical, and you’ll master “The Robot” dance move!

For those seeking the easiest dance moves to learn, “The Robot” is a fantastic choice. Its straightforward yet captivating nature makes it an easy dance step to learn, allowing dancers to infuse their own style into this robotic expression. While two-step dance focuses on partner coordination, exploring diverse dance styles like “The Robot” adds a playful and creative dimension to your dance repertoire.

4) Shoulder Lean (One of the easiest dance moves to learn) 

The right shoulder back lean is a cool hip-hop dance move. Stand with feet a bit wider than shoulders, arms hanging in front. Lean right shoulder to the right, then left shoulder back to the left. Hips act as a pivot, and torso gives support. You can try it the other way around, double the leans, or add a head bob for extra style.

From the hip-hop dance scene, the shoulder lean is a simple yet essential move for expressing the groove. Stand with feet a bit more than shoulder-length apart, arms loose in front. With hips as the pivot and torso providing stability, lean right shoulder to the right, then left shoulder back to the left, or vice versa. Add flair by doubling leans or a head bob, but it’s just window dressing on this easy and groovy move. Time your leans with the beat to impress.

For those seeking the easiest dance moves to learn, the shoulder lean is a fantastic choice. Its simplicity and groove make it an easy dance step to learn, adding a stylish touch to your dance repertoire.

5) The Macarena Dance

The 90s dance move involves easy arm motions, a hip shimmy shake, and a quarter hop with your second foot. You can groove to this in the club and bask in the nostalgia it brings, feeling right at home.

This dance step from the 90s is all about simple arm moves, a shimmy shake of the hips, and a quarter hop with your second foot. Perfect for the club scene, it brings a wave of nostalgia, making you feel comfortable and familiar. 

For those on the lookout for easy dance steps to learn, this 90s move is a great choice. Its simplicity makes it an easy-to-learn dance move that adds a touch of retro flair to your dance repertoire, capturing the essence of a memorable era.

6)The Waltz (Easy dance steps to learn) 

The Waltz, deriving its name from the German word for “to roll or revolve,” gained popularity in late 18th-century Vienna. Originating from peasant folk dance, the Waltz is surprisingly easy for beginners to learn, distinguished by its 3/4 time signature and repetitive “one-two-three, one-two-three” rhythm. To give it a try, all you need is a dance partner.

Yes, the same Waltz that swept late-18th century Vienna off its feet, with a name inspired by the German term for “to roll or revolve.” Originally a simple peasant folk dance, the Waltz is easier to learn than it may seem. Grab a partner and focus on the distinctive “one-two-three, one-two-three” pattern within its 3/4 time signature, defining this early couples dance.

Contrasting with the elegance of the Waltz, the 90s dance move involves uncomplicated arm movements, a hip shimmy shake, and a quarter hop with your second foot. Perfect for the club scene, it’s an easy dance step to learn, bringing a wave of nostalgia and a sense of comfort. For those searching for easy dance steps to learn, both the Waltz and the 90s move offer accessible and enjoyable options, each with its unique charm and historical significance.


The Dougie, named after the ’80s artist Doug E. Fresh, has become a widely popular dance that transcends its hip-hop origins. What makes it stand out is its incredible ease of learning—a simple side shimmy with a step touch and smooth hand movements, typically near your head or hair. The beauty of the Dougie lies in its open interpretation, allowing you to add your own flair and make it uniquely yours. So, not only is the Dougie easy to learn, but it’s also incredibly versatile!

The Dougie, paying homage to the ’80s rapper Doug E. Fresh, has evolved into a dance move so universally beloved that it has arguably outgrown its hip-hop roots. Its charm lies in its simplicity—a side shimmy with fluid hand gestures, often near the head or hair. This open-source dance allows for numerous variations, showcasing the Dougie’s remarkable versatility. Beyond being easy to learn, the Dougie promises a fun and adaptable dance experience, making it a standout choice for those seeking easy and enjoyable dance steps to learn.


8) Whip/ Nae Nae (easy to learn dance moves) 

In 2015, musical artist Silentó introduced the ‘Watch Me’ video, unleashing the popular dance move called the Whip-Nae Nae. For the “whip,” pretend you’re driving a car and squat down. Then, for the “Nae-Nae,” raise your hand in the air, wave it back and forth, and sway from side to side.

Silentó, a musical sensation, debuted the ‘Watch Me’ video in 2015, igniting the widespread popularity of the Whip-Nae Nae dance move. This easy-to-learn step involves squatting down, mimicking driving for the “whip,” and then, for the “Nae-Nae,” raising your hand, waving it, and swaying side to side. 

Beyond its catchy nature, this dance move became a sensation for its simplicity and universal appeal. For those in search of easy dance steps to learn, the Whip-Nae Nae offers a fun and accessible option, capturing the essence of a musical craze that took the dance world by storm.

9) The Floss

This fun dance move gained fame through teenager Russell Horning, famously known as “The Backpack Kid,” who became widely recognized after featuring as one of Katy Perry’s background dancers on Saturday Night Live during her performance of Swish Swish in 2017. The dance involves a simple side-to-side sway, with Horning swinging his arms alternately from side to side—one in front and one behind him. Its carefree charm contributed to its viral success, making it a playful element in today’s dance culture, visible on streets and screens.

Courtesy of Russell Horning, aka “The Backpack Kid,” this whimsical dance move emerged during Katy Perry’s Swish Swish performance on Saturday Night Live in 2017. Horning’s easygoing side-to-side sway, with arms swinging alternately in front and behind, added a fun and carefree touch. Its viral success turned it into a tongue-in-cheek element in today’s dance scene, easily spotted from streets to screens. For those seeking easy dance steps to learn, the floss dance step provides a lighthearted and accessible option, embodying the spirit of contemporary dance culture.

10)The Body Roll (easy dance steps to learn) 

The body roll, a popular dance move seen in clubs and hip-hop tutorials, emphasizes control over exaggerated movements. It’s more about creating a smooth transition between steps than making flashy gestures. Focus on your upper body, using your legs for stability. Lift your head and initiate a gentle wave from your chest to your hips. Regular practice will make your body rolls appear effortless and sleek.

Widespread in clubs and modern hip-hop videos, the body roll stands out for its emphasis on control rather than large motions. It serves as a cool transition between steps, adding a hip change-up and setting a laid-back vibe. This move predominantly involves the torso, with the legs providing stability. Keep your head up, start a forward wave motion from your chest to your hips. With enough practice, the body roll becomes an easy and stylish dance move, perfect for those looking to learn a smooth and trendy step.

11) Grapevine

The Grapevine stands out as one of the most versatile dance moves, transcending genres from line and folk dancing to jazz and hip hop. It serves as an essential step in various dance styles. At its core, the Grapevine is a straightforward side-step dance, where the dominant foot is followed by the other foot, crossing behind it, and then coming together in a little tap. 

This easy-to-learn move is excellent for building up to more complex steps, serving as a warm-up or cool-down in dance routines. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dancer, the Grapevine offers a simple yet dynamic addition to your repertoire, making it an essential and accessible dance step for those looking to learn and enjoy a versatile dance move.

12)Step Touch (easiest dance moves to learn) 

If you’ve aced the two-step, the step touch will be a breeze. Simply step in one direction, bring your other foot over to touch the leading foot, and then switch – your second foot becomes the leader, moving in the opposite direction. Repeat as long as you like. Once the footwork is mastered, add shoulder leans, hips, arms, hands, and head into the mix.

After conquering the two-step, the step touch becomes a straightforward addition. Just step in one direction, bring the other foot to touch the leading foot, then switch roles. Continue repeating at your own pace. Once the footwork is second nature, feel free to incorporate shoulder leans, hips, arms, hands, and head movements. The step touch proves to be an easy-to-learn dance move, making it an accessible and enjoyable option for dancers of all levels looking to enhance their repertoire.


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